ViceTrading text
is a marketing and consulting firm with its core focus on commodity trading. Our services cover a wide range of activities in the international commodity market. Including trade structuring, trade consulting, supply chain management and source diversification. Background desgin dotted line
Commodity <br/> Trading


Commodity <br /> Sourcing


Marketing <br /> Services for <br /> Suppliers

Services for

Corporate <br /> Structuring <br /> and Branding

and Branding

Sustainability and Discretion

Our clients are our backbone. We listen carefully, evaluate their needs and design specific trade procedures and structures to ensure the ultimate goal of a sustainable trading business is met. Our trading procedures and subsequent structures by design eliminate as much risk as possible for buyers and sellers. Further they foster the highest degree of discretion in accordance with international laws and regulations.


Benefit from decades of experience in the field of commodities, finance and corporate structuring. With VICE TRADING and its partners, clients have a combined platform at their disposal, which gives them access to a joint network and know-how of professionals with years of experience.


Throughout the years VICE TRADING has built solid long-term relationships with key professionals covering all aspects of global trade. Hence we are capable of providing our services in all key markets supporting our clients with cross-industry solutions combining marketing, consulting, structuring, sourcing and sales.

Compliance, Geo-Politics and Security

We closely monitor local markets of geo-political relevance on a daily basis. Taking relevant events into account, we run thorough compliance checks as part of our activities and services, evaluating current situations and potential future trade obstacles. Therefore our consulting services combine analysis, predictions and solutions to assure a stable supply chain with an underlying risk management strategy in place.

Professionalism and Integrity

Lately, VICE TRADING has become aware of numerous trademark infringements and "Copy Cats". We acknowledge this as an absolute recognition of our professionalism and integrity throughout the global market. However, please be aware that we only operate the website, official email addresses and through the Signal Messenger. Any other entity, website or contact information using the VICE TRADING name is a clear misrepresentation.